This has been quite a week at Above the Net. First we were notified by USTA Georgia that we were awarded the Member Organization of the Year and then we picked up ALTA magazine and read a spotlight on our organization's impact on our community and a new partnership with ALTA Foundation,...
...and we topped it all off with great tennis and learning skills development at The Shaquille O'Neal Boys and Girls Club and our Elite Program at Richard Craig Park!
Check out the full ALTA article here. Article on pages 36 and 37:
Thanks to our fabulous coaching staff and all of our parents and students for helping to make the continuation of our mission possible. Thank you to USTA GA, ALTA Foundation, USTA Southern, USTA Foundation, USTA Southern Crescent, Fair Count,
Goods4Greatness, Southern Crescent Youth Tennis and Education Foundation Inc. and all our donors for your support enabling us to offer low cost, high quality tennis instruction and scholarships in our community.
Ready to start or continue your tennis journey?? November sessions begin tomorrow...Saturday Nov 4th!!!!
Check out our programming at or follow us on
Or join our Facebook Group at
Check out the full ALTA article here. Article on pages 36 and 37:
Thanks as always,
Caniece, Brenda, and Monica
Above the Net
What an honor!!!