Spring is here and it is one of the most lovely seasons for tennis! Whether you are continuing your tennis journey or just now giving it a try, Above the Net is here to help! Our mission is to grow Tennis participation in Henry County as a means of developing life skills, building community, acquiring college scholarships, and of course encouraging a healthy lifestyle, while empowering self-confidence in the youth that we serve!! Beginning in May we will offer tennis at Richard Craig Park on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays for kids ages 6-17. We strongly believe that the more time on the court, the faster the progression!! As one of our coaches once said, tennis players are not made in a microwave oven, it takes time, dedication, and discipline and we want to get our kids there!! So now there are options, Saturdays only for $60 per month, 2 days a week, $100 per month, or "all you can play" $140 per month. Of course, we provide scholarships for kids as needed!!
Here are the Specifics:
Saturdays 9:30am to 10am (Tennis for Tots 3-5 year olds)
Saturdays 10am to 11am (1st Grade to 12th Grade)
Mondays & Wednesdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm (1st to 4th Grade)
Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30pm to 7:30pm (5th to 12th)
Register for monthly subscription pricing here:
or register for individual events or drop in tickets here:
In addition, we will have 3 FREE tennis clinics in May in celebration of National Tennis Month!
Saturdays May 4th, 11th, and 18th at 11:30am (All Ages, New To Tennis, Rackets will be provided)

And we will also have a FREE Adult Round Robin Social (Free Food and Drinks provided) for current intermediate to advanced tennis players (Friday, May 3rd at 6pm)

Please RSVP for all FREE events on our website at www.abovethenettennis.org/events