The Adult Apprentice participants have completed their third week of lessons and it is plain to see that they are enjoying learning the mechanics of the sport. During today’s lesson Coach Antonio had the participants working on the proper techniques for serving a tennis ball in the service box of an opponent. For many tennis players, this is one of the most difficult moves to absorb. So don’t be discourage participants, it takes lots of practice to feel comfortable with serving. But, know for sure, your tennis serve can very well be a powerful weapon on the court causing your opponent to take notice. Additionally, Coach Antonio and Coach Jay reinforced the importance of turning one’s body and complete arm follow through when hitting a forehand and backhand. There was plenty of laughter on the courts Monday evening suggesting that the participants are having a great experience and forming relationships along the way. Going the distance and beyond to maximize our participants' on-court performance is key to becoming a viable tennis player at any level. It is for this reason, Above the Net added a Part 2 Apprentice continuation program immediately following the completion of the current event. Growing tennis is what Above the Net is all about!
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