Our regular Saturday tennis crew showed up this morning eager to begin their tennis lesson. Sojourner and Schylar the first two on the courts wasted no time reviewing their forehand with Coach Guy in an effort to get a head start on the anticipated drills to come. Coach began today’s clinic with his familiar exercises centering on footwork coordination while introducing a medicine ball used to strengthen one’s upper body core. As expected, there were some moans and groans from the participants but for the most part, they took it all in stride. Especially, after Coach Guy stressed the importance of conditioning to promote muscle memory which is critical for tennis players. Next, a thorough review of forehand and backhand swing followed up with serves was the focus of today’s drills. For our youngest participants playing a couple of rounds of Alligator was the perfect ending to a great day on the tennis courts. There is no question our participants are making meaningful progress on their pathway to becoming successful tennis players. We look forward to seeing you all next Saturday. Be sure to sign up early so we can plan accordingly.
Glad to be apart of your tennis journey.
Great to see the progress!!!